Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Now and Then

This is a project in the study of shapes. We were to create two compositions with a similar theme using card stock to cut and paste. One was to be created using only geometric shapes and the other using only curvilinear shapes. The top piece is an old car from the 70's that I choose to create with geometric shapes because cars then were very boxy. The piece on the bottom I chose to create an Audi R8 with curvilinear shapes. I created this one in curvilinear shapes because modern car today are much more rounded. I also chose the colours very carefully in order to create certain contrast. First of all the two time periods in which the cars are from create contrast alone. Also the brilliant red versus the dull grey create contrast. Even the individual pieces have contrast with the red versus white and the black and grey versus white. I chose the old car to red red because the sharp colour helps define the sharp edges in the piece. I chose greyscale for the newer car because the duller colours emphasize the curving lines. There is also the unity of each piece containing white and grey and both subject matters are cars.

I hope you've enjoyed this piece as much as I did creating it!

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